Being pregnant can give rise to many emotions, mostly the joy of bringing a new life in to this world apart from adding a new member to the family who you can love and care for.
Being responsible about how many kids that you want and knowing how many you can afford to rise in this consumerist society is important in the modern world, as there are many things to consider like the child's education, healthcare, proper nutrition, vacations etc.
At the most, you can have two children, but never more than that if you are intelligent and care for the planet which is already burdened with population explosion.
Knowing that you are pregnant, you need to take care of your health and use many supplemental nutritional products apart from consuming lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. You can use nutritional especially folic acid supplements on the advice of your doctor.
Don't forget to shop for Strollers and Accessories, baby car seats, baby clothes, shoes,
Happy Motherhood along with the joys and responsibilities that parenthood brings to you.