REMOVAL of UNWANTED BODY HAIR has become an essential fortnightly/ weekly or daily routine for most women and men. Here are some of the popular, easy and best ways/ methods to remove hair like shaving, hair removal creams, waxing, trimming, epilating, and permanent laser hair removal devices at home safely and effectively.
It has been the most popular hair removal method for legs and underarms for most western women for a while. Shaving is easy, quick and painless, effective, and the right RAZOR can give you a smooth feel and look for a day to half a week depending on the regrowth.
You can use razors for a wet shave in the bath or dry, depending on your convenience. It is relatively a cheap and easy method. Gillette offers Venus razors especially designed for women which last for a long time and can be reused many times.
A bit messy when you use hot wax, but fine when you use ready made waxing strips. It can be painful, but the results can be long lasting when compared to shaving. Ready made wax strips are available for waxing of arms, legs and upper lip and facial waxing.
Waxing may not remove the shorter fine hair, and then you have to wait till the hair is of suitable length to wax again. All these hassles will be gone with the use of epilators. Though it may be as painful as waxing, the pain slowly decreases with subsequent uses.
Epilators, apart from working well, also last for a few years and you can use them at home as well as on the go, just like razors. Epilators are especially good for legs and underarms. Some good epilators are available from Phillips epilators and Braun silk epilators.
These are good for hair removal from the face esp. upper lip area apart from chin and cheeks. They last for a few years and even the tiniest hair can be removed easily.
Facial epilating is like Threading, but you can do it yourself at home, and the results can last for a few weeks. There is no need to wait for the unwanted hair to grow to a certain length, as soon as the hair appears, you can epilate for a smooth look and feel.
For the bikini area hair removal, trimmers and Bikini shavers/trimmers are best suited. They are easy to use and painless, and the area can be maintained neatly with their use.
Here is a TOUCH UP body and face hair trimmer for use on the go with an additional tweezers attachment for removal of sudden pesky hair. You can find it online by searching for Phillips Touch-up Pen.
Though messy and time consuming, they can be used for results lasting a couple days more when compared to shaving. Depilatory creams are available for sensitive skin and even for facial hair. Depilatory creams are best for removal of arm hair, and if your skin isn't that sensitive, then facial hair can also be removed by using these.
At the moment, the best product for at home Ipl (which works better than permanent laser hair removal because it suits most skin tones and better than ELECTROLYSIS because electrolysis can be painful and time consuming), is the PHILIPS LUMEA.
It can be used for complete body hair removal (facial hair removal too) permanently. Charge it and zap away the skin where you have hair after shaving it.
Using the PHILIPS LUMEA regularly for about 3-6 months , once/ twice a month gives good results. Reviews show that 80% of hair reduction can be seen after 2-3 uses and then you need to use it once a month to keep the smoothness everyday.
It may be an investment at around a few hundred dollars, but considering that you do NOT need to buy any REPLACEMENT BULBS/ CARTRIDGES, or need to use any other hair removal method after using this, and achieve a smooth hair free look almost everyday.
When compared to SALON laser hair removal treatments which charge around Rs 30,000 to 60,000 for UPPER LIP hair removal or even a single session of laser hair removal, the Philips Lumea and ipl devices from boots and silk n sense luxx are pretty money savers in the long run.
There are some other IPL/ at home LASER products out there claiming permanent hair removal/ reduction, but most are a hassle to use, and then there is the need to buy refills constantly, like replacement bulbs/ cartridges for silk n sense, Remington IPL and Veet IPL units and replacement blades for no no hair removal system, Me Elos system etc.
Based on all the reviews, and the ease, quality, efficiency, economy etc. the Philips Lumea IPL -Philips Lumea Comfort IPL Hair Removal System, Face and Body, White
Some other at home IPL devices which have the same efficiency as that of the lumea, are the BOOTS SMOOTH SKIN GOLD IPL device, and the SILK' N FLASH AND GO LUXX IPL device, which are also free from the hassles of replacement bulbs and gels like the lumea, and have 120,000 flashes enough to remove all your body hair.
The boots IPL device is called - NEW Smooth Skin GOLD IPL Permanent Hair Reduction Face & Body Boots/iPULSE
Bleaching doesn't remove the hair but it lightens and it and makes the skin appear more radiant and smooth. Bleaching with a sensitive skin safe bleach is a good option to lighten hair on the face esp. the forehead, hair line, cheeks, side burns and the upper lip and look radiantly good. Bleaching a day before the party can really make you look fairer/ radiant and glowing on the day of the event.